
Fully managed Kubernetes - for scaling into the AI‘s future

AINOVA is natively integrated with Kubernetes, crafted to deliver the performance benefits of bare-metal computing while eliminating the need for excessive infrastructure costs.

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A single orchestration layer to govern all aspects

By having a unified orchestration layer oversee all resources, our clients benefit from enhanced portability, reduced overhead, and simplified management compared to the complexities associated with traditional virtual machine deployments.

  • Incredibly swift instance launches. Instantaneous scaling capabilities

    Due to the implementation of container image caching and optimized scheduling, your tasks can be initiated and operational in a mere 5 seconds.

  • Expand into the computing resources you require with elasticity

    Gain immediate access to a vast pool of resources within a single cluster. Easily allocate the CPU cores and memory you need, with the option to include GPUs as required, and you're ready to go.

  • A comprehensively managed Kubernetes environment with a unified control plane

    AINOVA takes care of the entire control-plane infrastructure, cluster operations, and platform integrations, allowing you to focus more on product development. With all resources accessible through Kubernetes, you enjoy unparalleled flexibility and performance without the burden of extensive infrastructure management.

A dedicated cloud platform, optimized for GPU-acce

GPUs are propelling AI to unprecedented scales, revolutionizing the production of movies and TV series, hastening discoveries in synthetic biology, and fueling the Metaverse.